Teen Evolution is a psycho-spiritual space for diverse adolescents, their mothers/fathers, and teachers created to support connections, healing, growth and development.
We promote the transformation of adolescents into resilient adults, agents of social change and angels who lead us in our return to Human Unity.
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“Teen Evolution”
A safe and open online space where adolescents diverse in race, ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation can connect and accompany each other to overcome personal and social challenges, discover their mission in life and generate ideas to improve society.
In the “Teen Evolution” community we have an interdisciplinary team that, through private online groups, training, group therapeutic sessions, art therapy and more, helps teens who early in life experienced social wounds due to their diversity.

COMMUNIty for Mothers and Fathers
teen evolution family
The mothers / fathers of our teens evolution also have a safe space for learning and growing, where they can co-create, hand in hand with their children, experiences with an interdisciplinary team while they become aware of the dominant gender paradigm, acquire motherhood /conscious fatherhood skills, and strengthen the affective relationship with their children.